It is almost certain that while at university you will be asked to write a critical review of something. This may be a journal article, a book, a movie, or something else that can be summarized, analysed, and evaluated. These three verbs constitute the essence of a critical review. A critical review is like a summary with positive and negative evaluative statements embedded within.
An upcoming blog post will detail the components and process of writing critical reviews. For now, you can learn by modelling.
One the best models for a critical review is the Economist magazine's weekly book reviews. These cover a variety of topics and are typically very short and to the point. You can read them here.
I recommend the following reviews. The first is of a fiction book, the second of a biographical book, and the third is a business-related text. As you read, it is not vital that you understand them completely, but notice the structure and the language used, particularly at the beginning and end of each review.
Unhappy families
The right mix
Death by a thousand cuts